How Invisible Waves Have Changed the World
2024-12-19 [Petri]
If you think that the World you live in resembles a pancake like is depicted in the adjoining image, and the Sun is just a smallish ball, happily rotating over it in a circular fashion, there are several verifiable issues that should be impossible.
One of those is the claim of the 24-hour Sun that is reported to be occurring over the Antarctica during midwinter.
If it becomes a night in, say, South Africa or Southern Chile or Australia, how can there be non-stop sunshine over all of that “ice wall” at the very edge of the Flat Earth?
To counteract these claims, the Flat Earthers have been saying that all these reports of a 24-hour visibility of the Sun are false, and the ones claiming this are just some government workers who are “insiders” in this devious claim of a round Earth.
You see, access to Antarctica is highly controlled, so there must be a conspiracy behind all this, right?
To get the final say on this issue, a Colorado Pastor Will Duffy set up an expedition of three Flat Earthers and twelve “normals” to take the plunge and travel to Antarctica. There’s no better proof than seeing something with your own eyes, and although it may feel as waste of money to fly someone to witness the obvious, if you have the means to do it, why not?
As a result, on December 14th, a small contingent of Flat Earthers were flown to the South Pole to verify this claim, and the outcome was pretty crushing to the Flat Earth community.
“All right, guys, sometimes you are wrong in life” admitted one of the main voices of the Flat Earthers, Jeran Campanella, during his “Jeranism” livestream.
It must be hard to pull the rug from under your YouTube money making machine, so I really tip my tin hat that he had the guts to say this.
But it remains to be seen if this has any long-term effect on these folks, or will these three be crucified as "heretics" who either sold their souls or were threatened to say this against their will at gunpoint, or whatnot.
The blowback has already begun:
“I would happily admit that the Earth is round if I was given a $35,000 trip to the Antarctica”, some are already saying. “This does not prove anything, it is just another data point that we need to study”, says one of the other hardline participants.
Good luck explaining this "data point" away...
Hence, despite this rock-solid evidence by some of the evangelists of this movement, it is unlikely that this conspiracy theory will now die.
As for the far cheaper ways to figure this fact out by yourself, you can take a look at my book and the supporting website at
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